Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Eadweard Muybridge & Mark Klett, One City/Two Visions, Bedford Arts Publishers, San Francisco, 1990

A smart accordion that combines two panoramic views of San Francisco, with Eadweard Muybridge's (1830-1904) made in 1878 and Mark Kletts' created in 1990.

The accordion format is ideally suited to reproducing panoramic images and this book provides a prime example, even though Klett was unable to make his work in one shot because of the development of the city, and his solution was to stitch together single images to create his panorama.  However, both works were shot from the same location, the Mark Hopkins Inter-Continental Hotel on California Street.

Peter Bacon Hales provides a nuanced introduction to the technical issues and the larger history and development of San Francisco, and Mark Klett offers a text that describes his process and solutions to the issues that surfaced for him in creating a panorama of the city in this contemporaneous moment.

14 double-sided pages, individual pages 12" x 9", and when fully open 10ft 6".

Muybridge's (1878) panorama

Mark Klett's (1990) panorama

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