Thursday, July 20, 2023

R. Clarke-Davis, a commonplace book: icarus (2023) & a commonplace book: tidying (2010-2023), Kiddie Viddy Press, Wi

Two new accordions by R. Clarke-Davis with the first one a very visual representation of the tale of Icarus who perished by flying too close to the sun with his waxen wings. Clicking on the images enlarges them significantly and allows for the subtlety of the photographs to be appreciated.

The second book 'tidying' which is in Clarke-Davis' puzzle book format that includes two folded wings that add an extra dimension to the accordion and another element in his play with the book's images. 'Tidying' appears to be a meditation on everyday objects found within his domestic environment with one photograph showing a pile of his artists' books and the materials & instruments used in their making. In two of the final photographs I have opened up the book to reveal its architecture as well as revealing the cut in the middle of the paper that creates this unique format.

There's a large body of accordion works by Clarke-Davis in this blog and with a quick search you can discover them for yourself!

a commonplace book: icarus (2023) 

12 one-sided pages, individually 4.5" x 5.25, and fully opened 5' 3"


a commonplace book: tidying (2010-2023)

back cover

8 double-sided pages, plus 4 pages in the flaps, individually 5.5" x 4.25, 
and fully opened 2' 10"

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