Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kou Vang & Tou Saiko Lee, Generation After Generation, Milwaukee: The Fox Company, 2008

Kou Vang's photoworks combined with a text by Tou Saiko Lee creates a moving elegy to Hmong identity and history, as well as the complex balancing act of maintaining one's own culture within the larger context of American culture. Individual pages: 10" x 3.5," extends to 14". Kou Vang has a blog with more information about her and her art, as well as the fascinating life stories of 17 other Hmong women: Kou Vang « Kou Vang

Eric Carle, A Very Long Tail, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972


A big 'thank you' to my friend Marc Fischer for giving me a copy of this delightful children's book! I'm assuming that there must be a whole genre of accordion children's books but I haven't been coming across them. In a unique collage style, Eric Carle, illustrates the story of assorted animals following a tail until they find its owner - not sure whether this is a happy ending book or something rather more sinister. Individual pages 6 1/2" x 8 1/4", extended its width is 8' 3".