Friday, September 1, 2017

Pete Spence, Some Artefacts, Timglaset Editions, Sweden, 2016/17


A double-sided strip of 15 aphorisms from this down-under word rabble-rouser and published by Timglaset, a bilingual (Swedish/English) fanzine and publisher of handmade books of art and writing. I'll let their online blurb speak for this publication:

"If art and poetry is about making us see objects and concepts in a new light, then pete spence surely is a masterful poet. And a humorous one at that.
pete spence was born in Australia in 1946. He is a visual poet and writer. He has published numerous volumes of poetry, edited many magazines, curated exhibitions of visual poetry and participated in the mail art network for many years.
His latest collection of poetry is Red Duck (Accent Editions, 2016) and anyone who has received one of his colourful collage postcards should consider themselves blessed."
One of my favorites in this book is: 


you don't say

Measurements: 2.75" (h) x 2" (w) and extended 16.5". For info: or www.

'Deirdre Kelly, 'A Walk Past Standing Stones' (after Richard Long), designed by Christopher Taylor, published by Wild Pansy Press, 2016 [ed. 200]

A funky little accordion that is an homage to Richard Long's 1980 accordion of the same name in which his subject matter was a series of photographs of standing stones that he had encountered during a day's walk in Cornwall, England in 1978. Kelly, who presently lives in Venice, Italy, pays homage by switching Long's stones with the weathered heads on the ballustrade of Venice's, Palazzo Soranzo Van Axel. Kelly writes that "these sculpted heads form part of the handrail or 'corrimano' which translates as 'running hand' of which this artists' book represents up and down."

My only slight quibble with this book is a formal and aesthetic one — the accordion strip is not flush with the cover at the bottom so that when the book is placed in the upright position it does not sit flat for the first couple of pages.

Individual pages 3.5" x 2 2/8" overall length 2 ft 2". Long's book is also featured elsewhere in this blog. For further information about Kelly's publications contact: or