The show was premised upon a short story "Genealogy" by the Uruguayan magic realist writer Felisberto Hernandez (1902-1964) in which a circle and triangle fall in love and walk along a horizontal line. For Noorthoorn the question that this story posed was "How could a mere line, casually developing, unfolding, growing, speak of our contemporary existence as human beings, of our loneliness, introspection and need for love, of the twists and turns of art as it opens to continual movement, transformation and change?"
The design of the exhibition was the work of the Mexican artist Erick Beltran, and all the works are hung from the ceiling so that they appear to be suspended in pure space, and so the viewer weaves through the white space of the gallery punctuated by these floating artworks.
48 pages, double-sided, individual pages 11 1/2" (h) x 7 1/2" (w), when fully opened 15 feet.