A lively package of materials accompanies this graphzine with two fold-out accordions. 'Kokt' in Swedish translates as 'cooked' or 'boiled' and it's no surprise that this publication was made for a restaurant exhibition in Cophenhagen. Two quite distinct graphic styles are rather awkwardly folded together in the main book, resulting in an aesthetically ill matched and quirky combination.
While I understand the magazine to be the 'main course' as it were, but in actuality the small little booklet with the diamond image on the front that accompanies the book, is really the 'gem' of this package. With its smart silkscreen wraparound cover, and a much more considered combination of xeroxed and silkcreened images inside, this book has a really tight and sharp feel as you peruse its 20 pages!
Book size 8" (h) x 6" (w), accompanied by 2 six page double-sided accordions 17" long and silkscreen printed. The small booklet is 5.5" (h) x 4" (w) and 20 pages. A couple of printed cards accompanied this publication.
two artists' postcards at front
the booklet that accompanies the book
Kokt opened
back cover