Monday, October 5, 2020

Warja Lavater (1913-2007), Tanabata, Adrien Maeght, Paris, 1994

Another of Lavater's pictographic accordions and this one recounts the story of Deneb, the king, who gives permission for the daughter of Vega to interrupt her celestial weaving and to leave for a bath in the luminous stream, the Milky Way. How can one resist a story such as this!  

The cover flap includes the chart for interpreting the pictographic images and is a guide to all the characters, players and locations in the story. Look for the other two Lavater accordions on this blog.

Warja Lavater (1913-2007) was a Swiss illustrator and designer who adopted the accordion format for all her artists' books. A neglected contemporary of Edward Ruscha, she published her first artists' book (William Tell) in 1962, the same year Ruscha published his first (26 Gasoline Stations), and perhaps more significantly the same year as Etel Adnan created her first accordion book.

17 pages, double-sided, individual pages 8.5" (h) x 5.5" (w), when fully open 7ft 9.5".

the chart with the guide to her pictographic language

reverse side

map showing location of Deneb and Vega

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